Tips For Staying Clean While Painting Your Car

Painting projects can get messy, but that doesn’t mean you and your garage have to become part of the canvas! At Paint for Cars, we’re always here to help you make your DIY paint projects a success with less mess. Here are our top tips:

Wear protective gear. It’s not just for safety! You want goggles, a respirator, and gloves, but you should also wear full-cover clothing that you don’t mind getting painted on. This protects your skin from getting stained if you get any paint on you.

Protect your surfaces. Use tarps and masking tape to cover where you’re working, including the floor and any tables or surfaces where you set your supplies. Cover any areas on your car that you don’t want to paint.

Invest in good tools. Cheap tools don’t just do a poor job—- they can get leaky and drip.

Keep cleaning supplies handy. Have a set of cleaning materials like rags, wipes, and a solvent for paint clean-up close by. Immediate clean-up of spills or splatters makes the job easier.

Practice with the paint gun. If you haven’t painted a car before, use a little paint and get a feel for the spray gun before you turn it on your car. You can paint a spare tarp or have fun with it and use a piece of board or canvas. Knowing how the paint gun handles will help you ensure the paint goes where you want it instead of all over your floor.

With these guidelines, you’re ready to tackle your project while keeping yourself and your workspace as clean as possible.